#1 Tip for Memorizing Scripture

Photo by Miriam G on Unsplash

The Problem

I was really good at AWANAS. If you’re unfamiliar, this is a church program that incentivizes Scripture memorization through accomplishing goals and achieving awards. Honestly, it’s a really great structure that provides children opportunities to play and socialize and learn about the Bible. I would love for my babies to be a part of it or something similar when they are old enough.

But, there was a slight problem for me.

I wasn’t nearly as concerned about the verse I was memorizing as I was the prize of accomplishing the next level quickly. And with my ability to memorize things fairly quickly and then forget it all once the test is over, I’m not sure that many verses stuck. The most important thing for me was accomplishing the goal, not searing Scripture onto my heart and mind.

The Point

I don’t think I’m alone in this, either. I think a lot of us might need to change our approach to memorizing Scripture. Think about this for a moment: Why can you remember every word from an argument  you had years ago but can’t remember a short verse for more than a few days (or minutes)?

Ok, well, I don’t have the proper psychological terms for it, but I do know this as at least part of why:

It MEANT something to you. 

That conversation, that song, that movie quote… it meant something to you. This has been my number one problem when attempting to memorize Scripture. Though Scripture is always meaningful, picking a random verse to memorize because you are told to or feel obligated to doesn’t make the verse mean anything to you. Doing something because I felt ashamed or guilty does not produce much stamina when I faced obstacles in memorizing. (And by obstacles, I mean not taking time to do it, or forgetting about it. I am the obstacle. ha.)

The Plan

So if you’re trying to memorize Scripture, pick a verse that means something to you. What Scripture is God using right now to encourage or correct you? When we memorize a verse connected to a specific message God has been communicating to us, the motivation is deeper to persevere and take it seriously. If you have a someone holding you accountable, remember that you don’t have to be memorizing the same verse. You can! But you don’t have to.

Stop and ask the Holy Spirit right now, “What have you been trying to teach me or encourage me with or draw me to repentance about recently?”

 No, really. Stop and pray.

Ok, THAT’S what you need to be trying to memorize!

You can do this! If I can grow in memorizing Scripture, you can, too. I believe you can live what you know to be true. You can stay holy. You have the power of the risen Christ in you. And, oh man, do I believe in Him.

Y’all’ve got this!



How to Memorize Scripture: All my advice in one place


The Point of a Quiet Time