The Silent Years

The Gap

Did you see that orange pen?

That is me. Residing in the space between Malachi and Matthew. That’s what it feels like, anyway.

Going through a wilderness season, similar to the Israelites in Exodus, seems to be what people often relate to. But, in the exodus, God was constantly communicating to the Israelites. I’m not sure I’m in the wilderness.

I’m in the Silent Years.

Maybe you are, too. Or, like me, at least it feels that way. You know something is coming. Something good, holy, and only God could do. But, it seems like God has gone silent on the specifics.

The Promise

A whole lot of life occurred in the small blank space between the final warning to not forget God’s teachings in Malachi and the genealogy of King Jesus in Matthew. A transition that takes us 2 seconds, took the nation of Israel roughly 400 years.

That’s a LONG time to not receive a word from God. If you study that time, you’ll know God still moved, cared for, answered prayers, and kept His people. But when it comes to prophesy and speaking to His people, He was quiet. Can you imagine?

I can.

God speaks to us through His Word and His Spirit. And sometimes, on some matters, for a length of time, He doesn’t. It feels wrong to say. But I think it’s true. It’s right there in the gap between Malachi and Matthew.

I don’t know why these seasons happen when they do. But here is what I do know, and what God is teaching me: God did not abandon them during the Silent Years, and He has not abandoned you.

Do not abandon Him.

He will speak clearly to you again. Don’t abandon. Keep seeking. A new season will come. And it might just change everything.

Y’all’ve got this!



Repenting of My Idol


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