How to handle an unexpected pregnancy as a Christian

The Lie

In elementary school I lied a lot about TV shows.

Other kids would talk about a show, asked if had watched it, and I got really good at saying, “Of course! I love it! I don’t know if I’ve seen that episode though - tell me about it!”

I knew lying was wrong. I knew the consequences. But I didn’t have a choice.

At least that’s what it felt like.

You may be thinking, “Oh, you couldn’t afford a TV could you. And you didn’t want people to know.” And you would be wrong. TV in every room growing up actually.

The decision to lie wasn’t motivated by lack of physical or monetary resources.

The decision to lie was due to a lack of ability to fully process my emotions paired with an innate desire to not be embarrassed or disappoint people.

Sanctity of Life


What does this have to do with Sanctity of Life Sunday?

7 in 10 women who had an abortion identified as Christian. That’s based on a survey done by Pew Research in 2021. Another survey, conducted by Pew Research, showed 3.6 in 10 of Christians live below the poverty line.

So, admittedly making a pretty broad assumption based purely off of numbers, that means: 3.4 out of 10 Christian women who had an abortion were not making a decision based on the resources available to them.

On Sanctity of Life Sunday, I’ve often found the church at large talking about the resources they will provide. Life coaching, support for the low income and young single mother, health care, and other things of this nature. And all of this IS GOOD! NEEDED.

But I think something is missing.

The Gap

Why do Christian women, who are not financially distraught, feel like they are left with no choice but to terminate un unplanned pregnancy?

At the risk of oversimplifying, it’s based on the same reason I lied about TV shows I’d seen as a kid.

I think the reason some Christians getting an abortion is due to a lack of ability to fully process their emotions about being pregnant paired with an innate desire to not be embarrassed or disappoint people.

The Lord showed me there is a gap in how His people support unplanned pregnancies, and I believe He showed me how I might contribute to filling it.

I created a free resource called “How to handle an unexpected pregnancy as a Christian.”

My hope is that you will share it on social media, perhaps even often, to help someone in your sphere of influence know they don’t have to make a decision based on fear of embarrassment or disappointing others.

Because every life matters - holistically, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually. God cares about it all. For each person.

From womb to tomb.

Christian mother included.


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