Simple Advice That Transformed How I Share the Gospel

I had the opportunity to write another blog for Intersect Project! Here’s an excerpt:

Situational irony is a form of irony in which something takes place that is different or the opposite of what is expected to happen. Or in other words, a person writing about evangelism who spent years of her life being scared of sharing the gospel. Isn’t God’s sovereignty funny like that?

So, how did we get here?

Well, the very short answer is that I moved beyond my self-centered mindset, and began listening well. 

The longer answer starts at a local restaurant in Fayetteville, Arkansas, the week of Easter. A few months prior I had ordered a graphic t-shirt that read, “Spoiler alert: The tomb is empty.” Clever, right? I thought so, too. I was so proud of my boldness, something I had been praying for, to wear a shirt that clearly identified me as a Christian. I was feeling good from the moment we walked into the pizza place to the moment we walked up to the cash register to pay. That’s where things got dicey.

If you want to read more, go check it out by clicking this link!


The Day After: Unmet Christmas Expectations


Should I Delete My Social Media?